The Most Important Salary Survey Ever for Hospices and Home Health Agencies
Now more than ever you need solid salary information
It’s not three years ago when things were simpler. Salaries are rising, maybe stabilizing, maybe not. Either way you need to know what people are paying nurses, aides and more. You need to know what the market is telling you for hiring and budgeting.
That’s why you need to participate in the annual MVI Salary Survey. It’s free to all who participate. Just click the link below and download the survey. It’s simple. Won’t take long. Then we’ll get the results back to you. Then you’ll know.
As always, results of the survey will only be shared with organizations who submit their data.
In order to participate in the Compensation Survey, please download the file below, fill out, and send completed file to
Results of the 2023 Compensation Survey can be found here.